Because my son, if there is God (I personally tend to be more scientifically oriented), so if there is God, from what I learned in my life so far, we are created the way we are so that we and other people can learn from each other. Therefore, my dear son, if God exists, and God chose you to have autism, it is because you have the strength to teach those ignorant around you how to treat with respect people they perceive different from them.
But mom, why me, I do not want to have autism.
I know, I know Aleks, you want to be just the same as everyone else, and it is so much easier ( I guess? ), but the plan for you is not that you will figure things out easily. I mean social things: when to say something, when not to say ( we all struggle with that but we, who are neurotypical (NT) we know for which clues to look to figure that one out), when to laugh, when a person is sarcastic, what the person you are talking to has on his or her mind, and so on. There will be a lots of trial and error for you. There will be people along way that you will meet and they will be those nice people who have empathy and who will be able to see a nice person in you. I am sure there will be some not so nice people that will tease you or even worse to try to torment you and abuse you. Sometimes these mean people will be disguised as nice people. Sometimes even some adults whom you trust so much will be those mean people who look like and behave like nice people. They will tell you that you cannot do things, they will separate and segregate you under excuse that it is for your own benefit, they will pretend that they care. The good news is that sooner or later their real agenda will become obvious and then I will do everything I can to stop them. I know it may not be enough, and surely is not enough, but you have me. I love you very very much, and I believe that love is the strongest medicine, the strongest force in this world. As long as I walk on this planet you will have me as your protector. After that, I am sure that you will be able to take care of yourself, and even when I am not around anymore my love will stay with you. Do not worry my dear son, someone who is such a beautiful person, as you are, will always find love in this world. Just hang in there. Ok Aleks?
Znam kako je... Moj mali ima dve godine i mozda ima neki PDD-NOS. Pozdrav.
Good luck... Deca rastu, nemojte nikada nista da shvatite kao konacno. Ne postoji limit, jer ljubav ne moze da se ogranici! Kazete da vas sincic mozda ima neke znakove autizma, mozda da, mozda ne: ima samo dve godine, prerano je reci. Ali majka uvek zna... Svaka majka zna. Ako zelite da mi pisete o simptomima, ako zelite podrsku, tu sam. Kao da bilo juce kada je moj sin, koji sada ima 15 godina ( ljubi ga majka:))) imao samo dve... I znam kako je, verujte mi na rec!
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