In today's Toronto Star there is article by Peter Small with title "A problem child with painful past". I read it with great deal of interest. For two reasons: reason number one, I could not stop thinking, that although David Bragshaw is convicted murderer, his whole medical and life history is made public, and reason number two is that I could not stop thinking if his life could have been different if he was given accommodations for his special needs. Here is the link to the article:
Here is what I said in my letter to the editor:
A problem child with painful past
Toronto Star, September 29, 2009
Article by Peter Small gave us a glimpse into life of David Bagshaw. It makes me wonder if we will learn the lesson from this story. And the lesson to be learnt is that children at risk require early intervention, intensive support and empathy in dealing with their special needs. The system clearly failed David Bragshaw, and I say this not to find excuse for what he did. I say this because if the system worked, David Bragshaw could possibly have a chance not to become a murderer.