It appears that Toronto search, except for the backpack, did not give any new clues about how and why Mariam went missing. It is quite astonishing that a person can disappear without the trace ( of course, except for the backpack that was found after almost a month from the disappearance ) in the big city, and in the part of city that is densely populated. Obviously, it is almost unbelievable that her backpack was sitting in the plain view of many people, and that no one bothered to look at it.
I am just curious about how come no one was curious to take a closer look. Is it only me, or there are other people out there who would do something if they found some one's else lost property? Just questioning my sense of obligation to fellow human being. Or we will just walk by anything that we do not find personally worthy our engagement. Walk by the man slouched on the bench in subway ( maybe he is not alive any more, but his death is invisible to hundreds, thousands people walking by him on Thursday morning around 9 am at Bloor Yonge station, including me, desperately late for my assignment to be able to do anything for that poor soul). One foot was without shoe that was there, aligned with another foot with shoe on it. The man slouched, motionless. And no one stoped to check. Maybe he is still there today, five days after, because no one has time to check. If we cannot stop for human being, what to expect than for a thing like backpack.
Next time you walk by homeless person: think "Could it be me one day?"

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